Spoiler-Free Summer Movie Reviews
Kicking and Screaming Now normally, I'm not big on the SNL-alum-driven movies (with the exception of Mike Meyers, that dude is just freakin' FUNNY, man!) but I had by chance seen "Elf" a while back and can therefore give Will Ferrell props. Doesn't mean I rush out to see his movies. But we took the short people to go see this, and let me tell you, I was seriously laughing at some parts of it. Not the least, the part where he's becoming addicted to coffee. I can SO relate. The whole movie is pretty cute though, a little predictable but generally good. Ummm... three out of four... I dunno... Raisinettes.
Madagascar Some cute jokes and sight-gags, but overall, not my favorite. Give me Robin Williams as the Genie, or Beauty and the Beast's ballroom scene, any time. Still, neither terrible nor downright offensive. Two Raisinettes.
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Oh... my... god!!! Teenage coming-of-age type story, expected cuteness and mush and stuff, which was certainly present in high enough doses. But also got hit with some unsuspecting, very weighty stuff. Should I be scared that some situations struck a nerve in 31-year-old me?!?!? Not with the ever-more-present-these-days pang of "My daughters will soon be going through this" but the "I know exactly how she feels" thing instead. Yikes! Still, great movie, four Raisinettes, and it may replace the somewhat outdated "Steel Magnolias" as a movie I will rent in order to induce a good cleansing cry.
The Perfect Man Yes, those aforementioned kidlets, my older two and my niece anyway, are what they refer to as "tweens." Therefore, in addition to the Hilary Duff concert in March, I also have to take them to Hilary Duff movies. Well, it has to be said, all she ever plays is herself, no big stretch in character development, but overall it was still kinda cute. Very predictable. Several scenes and situations were the kind Ray Charles can see coming, and he's blind AND dead. But still. Wholesome movie, nice messages... two and a half Raisinettes.
Herbie Fully Loaded The love bug is back! Okay, I wasn't super-crazy about seeing a movie starring the girl I call "that little Lindsay Lohan *****" but the previews looked cute... and Matt Dillon looked cute LOL and it really turned out to be a fun movie. So much fun, in fact, that I want to go see the races one of these days. Well, what I REALLY want to do is hit a track with a car like the sweet baby Mustang I used to have, and let her fly. So anyway, good movie, lots of fun, I was even able to see past the fact that she's a little ***** who... well... anyway... Cute movie, three and a half Raisinettes.
Will let y'all know how Bewitched turns out next weekend.