Random Mental Messes

Stories from my past and present... random musings often inspired by the radio... and a way to keep close with loved ones far away.

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Location: Loveland, CO

Just a gal, just a mom, just trying to make it through the night...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Okay, guess I can tell it carefully and not be too risque here... The basic concept of reflexology, is that all major body organs and systems have something akin to receptors in the feet. Therefore, when one is experiencing problems with an organ or system, massage/stimulation of the corresponding area of the foot, can help to relieve the problem. And when I say every major organ or system, I mean EVERY ONE, if you know what I'm saying.

So, years ago, I had a good male friend who was, for the most part, a platonic friend. One time prior to this incident, we had sort of crossed a line, and after that we were careful not to cross it again. It hurt our friendship for a while, actually, but we finally got things on track and were okay with each other again, albeit a little more careful about just how much time we spent alone together. But one night I was spending the night over there (we were drinking buddies, each looking out for the other to make sure neither got hooked, and I often spent nights at his house rather than drive home) and, well, I was kinda getting a vibe from him, but I knew that because of our history, he would never make a move. I also knew I could not make an OVERT move. I had to be very careful, very delicate in my approach.

And I also remembered a little tidbit from the reflexology book I used to have. I remembered the exact right spot on his foot to rub, that would make... ummm... certain systems override more pragmatic concerns.

It worked.

Now that is NOT the reason I want to take the classes LOL and the reason I do might make me sound like even more of a flake. Basically, if you believe at all in alternative medicine or the ability to heal... I'm not saying I am a miracle worker or anything, not by a long shot, but there's a certain degree of energy and power in these hands. I've been able to help people before, even with my woeful lack of training. The classes could build on that, and only make it better, and make me better able to serve my purpose in the world. (And incidentally, for those of you who are reading this from far, far away... the healing power of Reiki can be sent long-distance and be just as effective as if the actual laying-on-of-hands took place. It can be a source of both physical and emotional healing. And I will always, ALWAYS be willing to Reiki a friend, and I do not charge for it. All you need do is ask, and I'll ask you a few questions about what's wrong and then work on it.)


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