Attention Ho'
There are precious few people who even know this blog exists, much less read it. But someone read it the other day and told me... and it was A BOY!!! *giggles* A man actually, and since I thrive on attention, it's gotten me posting again. So. What is this obsession with attention doing to me? Not just attention from him, mind you, but whatever attention I can snag, anywhere. Which has me up at all hours of the night. See, I COULD be getting to sleep around midnight, maybe even before. Instead, I'm in chat rooms, and IMs, and another blog site (a more grown-up one, shall we say)... and of course, staying up because I'm volleying e-mails with someone in a different time zone, and it's so much fun I can't resist.
So. When I have to get up at 6 a.m. or so... I'm up until 1 or 2 the night before. No wonder I have these huge bags under my eyes! LOL
So. When I have to get up at 6 a.m. or so... I'm up until 1 or 2 the night before. No wonder I have these huge bags under my eyes! LOL
*giggles* I knew you read it... waht surprised me is that someone I didn't even know (at the time) did... In fact, that's how we met. Cool!
I like the way you write. I have been reading all of your bloggs. Of course I am a little prejudice. You got my attention a while back.
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