Random Mental Messes

Stories from my past and present... random musings often inspired by the radio... and a way to keep close with loved ones far away.

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Location: Loveland, CO

Just a gal, just a mom, just trying to make it through the night...

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Why One Should Never Wear Strappy FM Heels to Tour a Military Base

So I mentioned the other day about going to the doctor, and here is why.

Last Friday, as you might know, was Veteran's Day. And oddly enough, this is the first job I've ever had, where we have that day off. Consequently, neither my mom-in-law nor my babysitter expected me to be free, and who was I to tell them? So Thursday night after school, I hopped in the van and headed toward Killeen. The purpose of heading up there that night, was mainly so I wouldn't have a short visit, then a quick turnaround to come home at a decent hour, on Friday. I got there late Thursday night, and a friend kindly put me up for the night. He hung around for a while to visit, then turned the room key over to me and headed back home, cautioning me to sleep in the next morning, since I'd had a long drive, a late night, and a long drive home ahead of me. The next morning, I called one of my friends who's stationed at Fort Hood, and who had known I was coming up ahead of time. He met me off-base, picked me up, and took me back to his house on-base, where I got to meet two of his three kids, his girls, who are right around the same ages as mine. The oldest, his son, was at a friend's house, and his wife was home but not feeling well, so he loaded me and his girls up in their SUV and we took a little driving tour of the base. We got out at the First Cav Division museum, and that's where the trouble started, though I didn't know right away. See, I was wearing my cute little black strappy FM heels. The ones I used to wear at my old job, but this job doesn't allow open-toed shoes, so I haven't worn them much in ages. The ones I used to go dancing in, it should be noted. But I guess it had been too long, and my feet weren't used to them anymore. Or maybe it was just the uneven ground when we walked off the path a time or two, crossing over the grounds. Either way, I managed to get a blister that day, a blister I didn't even notice/feel until the next day, Saturday.

By Sunday morning, it hurt like a motherf***er (if anyone knows exactly how one of those hurts, BTW, please tell me - I strive for accuracy). By Monday morning, my toe was purple, and the pain was radiating all the way up my leg. Thank goodness for insurance; I went to the doc Monday morning, and now I'm well on the road to recovery.

But I sure won't be wearing those cute shoes again any time soon... *sigh*


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