Random Mental Messes

Stories from my past and present... random musings often inspired by the radio... and a way to keep close with loved ones far away.

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Location: Loveland, CO

Just a gal, just a mom, just trying to make it through the night...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Get Kinky in the Capital!


You're probably gonna think I'm crazy. Then again, if you're counted among my friends, you already know I'm crazy and we can dispense with the preliminaries.

I'm writing to tell you why I've decided to throw my support and my... umm... somewhat limited but nonetheless earnest resources behind the best political candidate I've run across in a while. Yep. I'm jumping on the Kinky bandwagon, and doing my best to help elect Kinky Friedman as governor of Texas in 2006. As he himself puts it, "Why the hell not?"

But why? Why the hell? Well, if you visit http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/ you can read his platform yourself. One of my favorite parts? That he is dedicated to real education reform for Texas. Some of you may remember that I once planned on being a schoolteacher, until I realized what a horrible mess the Texas educational system was and that I wanted no part in it. He plans to go right where he needs to for plans on reforming the system - the teachers.

You can watch the first KinkyToon right here, and see some of the other reasons I think he can - and really should - win this election: http://www.kinkyfriedman.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=102 But first, he needs to get on the ballot. And this will be the most challenging, and possibly most rewarding, part of the whole process. He needs to get more than 45,000 registered voters' signatures on a petition in just 62 days after the March primaries. And if there's a runoff, he'll have half that time. Added to that, petition signers must not have voted in either primary. He is urging voters to stay away from the polls with a campaign called "Save Yourself for Kinky." I've pledged to forfeit my right to vote in the Democratic primary, in order to help Kinky make it. (Honestly, it's really a matter of paper or plastic anyway!) Why would a socially conscious, reasonably intelligent, and politically active/aware voter do such a thing?

BECAUSE I BELIEVE HE NOT ONLY STAND A CHANCE, BUT DESERVES ONE. And I believe he's Texas' only real chance at change.

As the year goes on I'll learn more about what I'm going to do to help. Meanwhile, I urge you to suspend disbelief for a minute (if you can do it in the movie theaters, you can do it here!) and take a look at the web site. Look at who he is, what he stands for, what he's trying to do. And consider joining me up here on the Kinky bandwagon.

The view is mighty fine.

Much love,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could vote in Texas! Jane_PA

9:42 AM  
Blogger SaraSmile said...

LOL Well ya can't vote here, but you sure can campaign here!!! I sent this to my sister too, and her response was to e mail it to friends and cyber-co-workers that she has in Texas. I think we managed to snag at least one more future petition signature out of it!

12:01 PM  

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