Random Mental Messes

Stories from my past and present... random musings often inspired by the radio... and a way to keep close with loved ones far away.

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Location: Loveland, CO

Just a gal, just a mom, just trying to make it through the night...

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What's the Heck is Going On?

Yep, friends and neighbors, lots of posts lately of song lyrics. What can I say? Tumultuous times, lots going on in my mind, some of which I'm actually keeping to myself instead of publishing for the whole world to see. Some of it I can share though - for instance, while I am supposed to be doing some packing right now (since I have 5 days to be out of my apartment, and not one bit of packing even begun, and the weekend full of other activities including a PITA drive to Dallas to see an old and much-missed friend), I am instead blogging. Afterward, I will go by the apartment to grab a few things, then go eat Chinese food, before going off to spend the evening with a not-yet-shipped-off Keira. (YAY!) Unfortunately for her, all the things I'm not babbling about here, she's going to get an earful of tonight. Oh well... that's what you get when you make friends with me and then turn out to be my separated-at-birth-but much-prettier-and-emotionally-stronger twin.

So anywho. The songs. Some of them significant, some of them just ones that I've been hearing in my head lately, although I'm sure if I analyze them closely enough I'll figure out that my head is trying to tell me something. Three of them favorites of lo these many years, and one that I first heard recently, but it caught my attention and held it.

And of course, I can't figure out why all of a sudden the posts are showing up so low on the page, especially when an individual post will still lay out correctly. Ah well... such is life, and those of you who keep up with me, know to scroll down...

So. I think I'm off to grab some clothes for work tomorrow, swing by 888 Chinese Restaurant, and then head on up to the Wyndham. See y'all tomorrow, I'm sure.


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